Sadie was purchased at the 2022 All American Jersey Sale in Louisville, Kentucky from Misty Meadow Dairy, which is located in Tillamook Oregon. A beautiful young heifer, we brought her home and knew right away that this purchase was a wise choice. All spring and summer we pampered Sadie as she continued to develop into an incredible heifer. Her phenotype impressed many dairy enthusiasts who stopped by to visit.
Fast forward to the All-American Jersey Show in November, Sadie drew a lot of attention in the barns. When it was finally Sadie's turn in the show ring, the judge kept coming back to her and admiring her in the ring as Clancey paraded her around. Judge Kelli Cull pulled Sadie into first during her initial sort and we were ecstatic. Judge Cull kept her in first the entire time and her accolades of Sadie on the microphone during her reasons were exceptional. Later that day during the selection of Junior Champion, Sadie proved once again that she needed to land at the top - and Judge Cull made her Junior Champion of the entire junior show.
This most outstanding accomplishment was a first for our little family. Sadie has since been named ABA All American in both the Junior and Open Divisions. We are so excited to continue developing Sadie and look forward to her in milking form in the future.
Junior Champion - All American Jr Jersey Show, 2023
1st Spring Yearling - All American Jr Jersey Show, 2023
4th Spring Yearling - All American Open Jersey Show, 2023
1st Spring Yearling - Western National Jr Jersey Show, 2023
2nd Spring Yearling - Western National Open Jersey Show, 2023
Purchased in the spring of 2023, we knew right away that Varsity was something special. She made her show debut at the Western Oregon Jr Jersey Show in May, just a few weeks prior to calving where she turned many heads. In early June Varsity had a beautiful heifer calf (Vogue) and her journey to the show ring started. We worked with Varsity all summer to dial her in for her first big show, the 2023 Western National Jersey Show held in early September in Salem Oregon.
Varsity was first Milking Yearling and Intermediate Champion of the Junior Show. We are excited for her to calve in again in June and look forward to showing her again this summer.
Intermediate Champion - 2023 Western National Jr Jersey Show
1st Milking Yearling - 2023 Western National Jr Jersey Show
4th Milking Yearling - All American Jr Jersey Show, 2023
5th Milking Yearling - All American Open Jersey Show, 2023
Born in early December of 2012, "Nutty" is our oldest daughter's pride & joy. She has quite a history of winning in the show ring. Although her days as a "beauty cow" are over, she is still producing gorgeous calves that we have sold all over the United States and Canada. Her offspring continue to dominate the ring and bring home banners for their new owners.
Nutty has achieved such noteworthy accomplishments as All American (3 times!) and Reserve All American. She is currently classified EXCELLENT 92-points. Milking over 85-pounds per day, her milk is rich in A2 Protein. She is the first in our parlor to be milked and keeps the rest of the ladies towing the line in the barn.
Nutty is a Queen and we adore her.
2013 All American Winter Calf
2013 Junior All American Winter Calf
2013 All American Access Winter Calf
2013 Reserve Junior Champion - All American Jersey Show
2015 Reserve Junior All American Senior 2-Year Old
Nutty & Gracie make quite a dynamic duo. Here they are proudly displaying their Reserve All American title received at the 2015 All American Jersey Show in Louisville, Kentucky.
Nutty is quite a diva, scored EXCELLENT 92-points!
Most notable of Nutty's winnings occurred in 2013 when she was named All American Winter Calf of both the Junior and Open shows! That means she was the BEST heifer in the country in her age division!
Nutty in all her glory...
When this pair enter the ring, they demand attention!
Placing second in a cow class at the All American Jersey Show was an incredible accomplishment!
Another Queen in her own right, "Nahaley" has an impressive history of winning also. She was recently classified EXCELLENT-95 POINTS! There are very few Jersey cows who ever accomplish this! Her most notable accomplishment in the showring was placing third in the Milking Yearling Cow class at the 2015 All American Jersey Show at the North American Livestock Exposition in Louisville, Kentucky. Nahaley is the mother of many show calves who have gone on to win shows at the local, state, and western national level.
2015 3rd Jr. All American Milking Yearling
Reserve Senior Champion, 2021 Western National Jr Jersey Show
1st Place 5-Year Old Cow, 2021 Western National Jr Jersey Show
From all of us here at Royal Riverside Farm, bovines included, we want to express our sincere appreciation for you allowing us to be a part of your everyday lives. Whether its Creamline Milk for the kiddos, or Decadent Chocolate Milk for yourself, we are grateful to be part of what we believe is the best little community ever. Thank you for supporting our small family farm and helping our dream of providing farm-fresh, pure, and delicious milk to you and your family.
The Krahns ❤